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비슷한 맥락의 다른 글들 모음. 내 마음을 편하게 하기 위해서.





June Huh, High School Dropout, Wins the Fields Medal | Quanta Magazine

June Huh wasn’t interested in mathematics until a chance encounter during his sixth year of college. Now his profound insights connecting combinatorics and geometry have led to math’s highest honor.





Frank Ramsey Biography

This article was published in 1995 in Philosophy 70, 243-262, and is reproduced here by permission of the Editor. Page numbers after quotations from Ramsey refer to F. P. Ramsey: Philosophical Papers, edited by D. H. Mellor, Cambridge: Cambridge University





Work four hours, then rest

‘W hoever has not two thirds of his day for him self is a slave,’’ declared Friedrich Nietzsche, part of a long tradition of thinkers who thought our lives should contain work, leisure, and sleep in equal balance.
